CyI Organizes Webinar on the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Climate Change Initiative
On October 15, 2020, The Cyprus Institute organized a webinar on the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Climate Change Initiative (EMME-CCI). This Initiative builds upon the work that led to the International Conference held in Cyprus, in May 2018, which focused on “Climate Change in the Mediterranean and the Middle East”.
The webinar organized at CyI’s premises in Aglantzia, within the framework of the Cyprus Government Initiative, provided the opportunity to the thematic Task Forces assembled to present and discuss their preliminary findings. During this event, eleven of the thirteen Task Forces presented their findings whereas members of all Task Forces participated. More than half of all members of the Task Forces from twenty countries, representatives from international organizations, as well as the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment Dr Costas Kadis participated at this online event.
The EMME-CCI aims at the development of a Regional Action Plan to address the specific needs and challenges countries are facing in the EMME...