3rd Partner’s Meeting of “Air quality services for a cleaner air in Cyprus -AQ-SERVE” Project
On 19/01/2021 the 3rd Partner’s Meeting of “Air quality services for a cleaner air in Cyprus -AQ-SERVE” Project, took place online and remotely due to Covid-19 situation.
The purpose of the3rd Partner’s meeting was:
To review the status of the project and to monitor the progress of the work. The meeting assessed the fulfilment of all aspects, both scientific and managerial. To identify issues and risks, and to propose relevant address-actions and contingency planning To keep open lines of communication and foster team building
A review of operational points was presented by the Management Team and the Coordinator.
Each project work-package was presented and point to be discussed where elaborated more between the partners.
Launched in December 2018, the AQ-SERVE1 project will provide the first-ever risk assessment and evaluation of the health impact of air pollution in Cyprus. AQ-SERVE aims to utilize best-in-class scientific and technological resources to identify the most efficient pollution abatement measures for improving air quality in Cyprus, and enable tangible benefits for public...