The air we breathe is killing us
Residents demonstrating against the asphalt plants in Dhali
From car emissions to polluting factories, the state is failing its people
By Charalampos Theopemptou
Source: https://cyprus-mail.com/2021/03/31/the-air-we-breathe-is-killing-us/
People often ask me which is the biggest environmental problem that we face. My answer is that the biggest problem is waste management, but the most pressing issue to solve, is that of the bad air quality we breathe.
Proof of this is easy to find. On December 14, 2018, the Cyprus Mail published an article with the title “Living in air-polluted Nicosia will cost residents on average a year of their lives” which carried an interview with Jean Sciare, professor and director of the Energy, Environment, Water Research Centre (EEWRC) at the Cyprus Institute.
The Air quality in Europe — 2020 report, published by the European Environment Agency, uses data that it receives from all EU countries. On page 108 it has this table below that indicates the estimated number of premature deaths, which in Cyprus totals more than 800 people per...